Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The image says it all. A church I photographed in Denmark. It was a beautiful little church all by itself. I just tried to enhance the already romantic atmosphere. Anyway, this is how the image turned out.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Bridge over troubled waters
This is definitely a bridge over troubled waters, because a couple of hundred meters downstream from the Niagara Falls. And, you don't want to fall in the water there. Beautiful bridge though.
It looks like these trees have been taken somewhere this fall
. Actually, I took the picture last december on a sunny and still warm day. Because even in december temperatures were amazingly high.

Stairs going up. These metal stairs I photographed looking up. Don't exactly know which filters I used. It made for a perfect, almost abstract structure. I noticed that quite often after I have been playing with an image I end up with a structure comparable with what you see here. It must mean something. Anyway, enjoy.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

It’s been awhile since I last wrote. Busy, busy, busy. Time seems to fly, even more so the older you get. It’s time to focus again, to pay attention to what happens around you, to step out of the rat-race. Because before you know, life is over. And you haven’t lived the way you should. You should be aware of things, pay attention to them, be more zen-like. It’s what the “slow movement” advocates. Slow down life’s pace, don’t be rushed anymore, don’t let your life be dictated by time but control it. For instance, there’s a slow food movement which proposes using honest products, taking time preparing them (which may take hours) and then eating the meal which again may take hours. Bottomline is, pay attention to what you do and enjoy it. It’s an advice I will try to follow in 2007. It’s one of my good intentions. I mean I will not eat for hours at a time, but I will try to live “slower”, more attentive, less with deadlines.