Monday, April 09, 2007

You must not know too much or be too precise or scientific about birds and trees and flowers and watercraft; a certain free-margin, and even vagueness - ignorance, credulity - helps your enjoyment of these things. (Walt Whitman)
Spring is in the air. Temperatures are rising. The sun is shining and flowers are to be seen everywhere. It’s that time of year, a beautiful time if you ask me. Our garden is doing its best to keep up with the neighbourhood gardens. Because we have an attitude of (more or less) live and let live, it’s always a surprise to see how our garden develops. It’s not a model garden (what do you people think, do you like those “glossy” gardens?) like you see in the magazines, it’s more like a natural garden. Still, it has a lot of attractive flowers like the one you see here. (it's a close-up of a "blauw druifje"). Bottomline is, as you’ve probably understood, I'm a lazy gardener, I like to just sit in my garden and photograph stuff. Enjoy.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

The same greyhound I used for my "magic bus" posting. This time I used the caleidoscope filter (yes again, I'm hooked on it). And then I pasted 2 greyhounds on top of it. You can still see them if you look real hard.